Superannuation calculators

Superannuation calculators

Get your super on track with our tools and calculators.

Calculators, consolidation and comparison tools. Find the information you need right here. 

How can I start saving for retirement?

First, you may find it useful to understand how much money you may need when you stop working. The Retirement income calculator will provide you with a projection of the estimated annual retirement income you could receive when the time comes.

You can save more and give your super a boost by making contributions. Find out more about personal super contributions (after-tax), salary sacrificing, government co-contributions, low income super tax offset and also spouse contribution options on our super contribution types page and check out our Spare change calculator to explore contribution strategies.

What is MySuper?

MySuper is an Australian Government superannuation initiative to provide low cost and easily comparable super options for employers to choose as their default for employees.

MySuper options have basic features and fee structures. You can learn more about the return, risk level and fees applicable to our Balanced (MySuper) option by visiting the MySuper dashboard.

Find out how our MySuper option compares to others using the comparison tool and make an informed choice based on cost, investment performance and insurance.

What happens if I contribute more than $30,000 to my super in a year?

You can make concessional (before-tax) contributions to your super of up to $30,000 each financial year. 

It’s possible in some years you may have more spare cash to contribute to your super than in other years. If you find you can contribute more than in a previous financial year, you can use what's called the ‘carry-forward’ rule. As long as your total super balance is less than $500,000, the carry-forward rule lets you add the previous year’s unused cap limit to your current cap (over rolling five-year periods).

If you contribute more than your cap, then you may need to pay extra tax on your excess contributions. See Contribution limits for more information and check out our Spare change calculator to explore contribution strategies.

Do I need insurance?

You may already have it — most CareSuper Employee Plan members receive standard death and total & permanent disablement insurance cover with their super. You’ll generally receive standard cover once you:

  • Turn 25 years of age
  • Receive a mandated employer contribution, or
  • Reach an account balance of $6,000.

We also have options to increase your cover and apply for income protection, as well as cover for Personal Plan members. Find out more via our insurance page and check out our Insurance calculator to learn about how much insurance costs.