Your investment options

Your investment options

We can help you access more investment options to help you achieve your future goals.

No two CareSuper members are the same. That's why we offer 12 different investment options, each with different targets for returns and levels of investment risk, plus a Direct Investment option. This variety lets you mix and match your investments to suit your own goals.

  • All options

    See a snapshot of all of our Managed and Asset class investment options.

  • Managed

    Invest in a pre-mixed combination of assets, such as shares, property, fixed interest, cash and more.

  • Asset class

    Invest in one of our six asset classes or make up your own mix.

  • Your own way

    Choose your own investments from ASX300 shares, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), term deposits and more.

  • Balanced

    This option invests in a diversified mix of assets prioritising Australian and Overseas shares, property and infrastructure. It’s designed to achieve relatively high returns in the medium to long term but is subject to short-term fluctuations in returns. As a super member, this is the option your money goes into if you don’t make an investment choice (our MySuper option).

    More details on this option
    Growth and defensive asset class mix
    69% Growth
    31% Defensive
    Growth and defensive asset class mix
    68% Growth
    32% Defensive
    8.04 %
    10-year average annual super return as at 30 June 2023
  • Growth

    This option mainly invests in growth assets with an emphasis on Australian and overseas shares. It’s designed to achieve long-term capital growth. Returns for this option may display a significant level of volatility with a relatively high risk of capital loss over the short or medium term.

    More details on this option
    Growth and defensive asset class mix
    83% Growth
    17% Defensive
    Growth and defensive asset class mix
    80% Growth
    20% Defensive
    8.95 %
    10-year average annual super return as at 30 June 2023
  • Alternative Growth

    This option invests in a diversified mix of assets with an emphasis on alternatives as well as Australian and overseas shares. It’s designed to achieve long-term capital growth.

    More details on this option
    Growth and defensive asset class mix
    69% Growth
    31% Defensive
    Growth and defensive asset class mix
    67% Growth
    33% Defensive
    7.77 %
    10-year average annual super return as at 30 June 2023
  • Sustainable Balanced

    This option seeks to select investment managers for the Australian and overseas shares asset classes based on a higher degree of focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards, as well as investing in a wide range of other asset classes. It's designed to achieve relatively high returns in the medium to long term.

    More details on this option
    Growth and defensive asset class mix
    69% Growth
    31% Defensive
    Growth and defensive asset class mix
    68% Growth
    32% Defensive
    7.99 %
    10-year average annual super return as at 30 June 2023
  • Conservative Balanced

    This option is designed to achieve a balance of risk and return by investing in a blend of assets, with an emphasis on fixed interest, cash and shares (Australian and overseas).

    More details on this option
    Growth and defensive asset class mix
    50% Growth
    50% Defensive
    Growth and defensive asset class mix
    49% Growth
    51% Defensive
    5.85 %
    10-year average annual super return as at 30 June 2023
  • Capital Stable

    This option invests in a diversified mix of assets, with an emphasis on fixed interest and cash. It’s designed to provide stability of capital over the medium term combined with the potential for limited capital growth.

    More details on this option
    Growth and defensive asset class mix
    36% Growth
    64% Defensive
    Growth and defensive asset class mix
    35% Growth
    65% Defensive
    4.74 %
    10-year average annual super return as at 30 June 2023
  • Overseas Shares

    This option invests in shares listed on the stock exchanges around the world, including both developed and emerging markets.

    More details on this option
    Growth and defensive asset class mix
    100% Growth
    0% Defensive
    Growth and defensive asset class mix
    100% Growth
    0% Defensive
    10.70 %
    10-year average annual super return as at 30 June 2023
  • Australian Shares

    The Australian Shares option invests mainly in shares of Australian companies listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). To provide diversification, a number of different investment managers with varying approaches are appointed.

    More details on this option
    Growth and defensive asset class mix
    100% Growth
    0% Defensive
    Growth and defensive asset class mix
    100% Growth
    0% Defensive
    9.16 %
    10-year average annual super return as at 30 June 2023
  • Direct Property

    Property investments mainly include unlisted holdings in commercial buildings (offices or shopping centres), industrial properties or residential but may also include some investments in listed real estate. Property returns come from rental income or changes in capital value over time.

    More details on this option
    Growth and defensive asset class mix
    30% Growth
    70% Defensive
    Growth and defensive asset class mix
    30% Growth
    70% Defensive
    8.50 %
    10-year average annual super return as at 30 June 2023
  • Fixed Interest

    This option invests in a diversified portfolio of debt securities, mainly fixed-rate bonds issued by Australian and overseas governments and companies, mortgage-backed securities and cash. The investment managers include specialist credit managers and other managers focused on managing sector and interest rate exposures. Fixed interest investments can be actively traded and have the potential for both positive and negative returns.

    More details on this option
    Growth and defensive asset class mix
    0% Growth
    100% Defensive
    Growth and defensive asset class mix
    0% Growth
    100% Defensive
    2.14 %
    10-year average annual super return as at 30 June 2023
  • Cash

    The Cash option invests in a mix of cash and money-market securities, directly or through an interposed entity including at call and term deposits, bank bills, negotiable certificates of deposit and short-term fixed interest investments issued by Australian and overseas governments, banks and companies. This option may include an allocation in short-dated annuities issued by life insurance companies.

    More details on this option
    Growth and defensive asset class mix
    0% Growth
    100% Defensive
    Growth and defensive asset class mix
    0% Growth
    100% Defensive
    1.81 %
    10-year average annual super return as at 30 June 2023
  • Capital Guaranteed

    This option invests in capital guaranteed products issued by life insurance companies. This means that the issuing life insurance company guarantees the capital invested as well as the investment returns and not CareSuper. A capital guarantee does not however guarantee the level of future investment performance, other than that it won’t be negative. The asset allocation for this option is mainly made up of capital guaranteed investments. From time to time, this option may also invest in the term deposits of Authorised Deposit Taking Institutions and hold a modest amount of cash for liquidity purposes. These securities are not covered by the guarantee.

    More details on this option
    Growth and defensive asset class mix
    0% Growth
    100% Defensive
    Growth and defensive asset class mix
    0% Growth
    100% Defensive
    1.61 %
    10-year average annual super return as at 30 June 2023

Your investment options

No two CareSuper members are the same. That’s why we offer 12 different investment options, each with different targets for returns and levels of investment risk, plus a Direct Investment option. This variety lets you mix and match your investments to suit your own goals.

Choosing an investment option.