
The latest superannuation news, announcements and updates from CareSuper.

News list

Market update - November 2018

2 November 2018
Chief Investment Officer, Suzanne Branton, puts the recent volatility into perspective.
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Quarterly report - September 2018

2 November 2018
It’s been another solid quarter for CareSuper members with all our investment options delivering positive returns.
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A great year for members’ super balances

8 July 2018
It’s been another great year for CareSuper members, with the Balanced option delivering another year of strong returns. It’s the fifth year out of the last six that returns have been in double-digits.
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Productivity Commission releases draft report into super

Industry news
1 June 2018
The Productivity Commission released a draft report on Tuesday, which warns of under-performing funds and shows the divide in performance between not-for-profit funds and retail funds.
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Members benefit from best performance over 10 years

1 June 2018
‘CareSuper’s Balanced option was the best performing Balanced option over the past decade,’ says CEO of SuperRatings, Kirby Rappell.
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Federal Budget 2018/19 overview

Industry news
18 May 2018
The Federal Budget for 2018/19 was announced on Tuesday 8 May, including a number of proposed changes to Super, which will commence from 1 July 2019 if approved by Parliament.
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Media contact

Fiona Bauer
Mobile: 0400 127 559
Email: [email protected]