
The latest superannuation news, announcements and updates from CareSuper.

News list

You’re with a certified Carbon Neutral fund

Product & services
14 February 2020
We’re proud to be one of the first super funds to be certified Carbon Neutral by the Australian Government through Climate Active – Australia’s collective initiative for climate action.
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Quarterly report - September 2019

5 December 2019
A slowing global economy and ongoing geo-political developments created volatile share market conditions in the September quarter, but in the end, it was a positive quarter for returns across all asse...
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A positive year for members

21 August 2019
It’s been another good financial year for both super and pension members with our Balanced option delivering its tenth consecutive year of positive returns.
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Quarterly report – March 2019

17 May 2019
Global share markets bounced back in the March 2019 quarter, recovering all of the losses experienced at the end of 2018. This recovery lifted the returns of our diversified options back into the blac...
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Quarterly report - December 2018

14 February 2019
The December quarter was an extremely volatile period for both overseas and Australian share markets but other asset classes such as property, infrastructure, fixed interest and cash all posted positi...
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Our year at a glance - Annual Report 2018

19 December 2018
It’s been another year of strong growth and progress for CareSuper. We approached the year with a long-term view, making decisions and evolving to shape our vision for the future.
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Media contact

Fiona Bauer
Mobile: 0400 127 559
Email: [email protected]