Your annual statement update

When to expect your statement for the financial year ended 30 June 2024.

If you’re a super member, we’ll be sending your statement by the end of September. And if you’re a pension member, you’ll receive your statement by the end of August.

Your latest details are available online

While you’re waiting to receive your statement, log in to MemberOnline for your latest account information.

You’ll see:

  • Your daily account balance
  • All your transactions in the ‘My account activity’ section
  • How your super is invested in ‘My investments’. Your investment earnings are allocated to your account daily, so your account balance changes in line with our latest returns every business day.
  • Any insurance cover you have with us in your ‘Insurance information’ section
  • Your beneficiaries (if you've made a nomination)  

Need more info? We’re here to help

If you’re after your account details before your statement arrives, we can help you out. Get in touch with us online and we’ll provide you with any details you need.

If you joined CareSuper after 30 June 2024, you won’t be receiving a statement for 2023/24 – check your details and transactions in MemberOnline.