
The latest superannuation news, announcements and updates from CareSuper.

News list

Five actions employers can take to improve outcomes for women

Women & super
17 June 2021
There have been some important issues raised this year around women and what must be done to achieve better outcomes for their financial futures.
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Super contribution limits are increasing – understand the changes and how they might affect you

Industry news
16 June 2021
The amount of money you can contribute to your super account, without finding yourself with an unexpected tax bill, will increase from 1 July this year. Meaning you might be able to invest more into s...
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Super savings of low-income earners - predominantly women - to benefit from Budget announcements

Women & super
10 June 2021
During the Federal Budget 2021/22, the Government proposed that from 1 July 2022, the $450 per month minimum threshold for employer super guarantee (SG) payments will be removed.
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Caresuper investment update - March quarter 2021

21 May 2021
Share markets continued to rise in the March quarter, helping to generate strong returns for CareSuper’s share-based investments. However, with interest rates at virtually zero or negative around the...
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CareSuper’s Cash option explained

20 May 2021
The current low interest rate environment could affect your super account balance, if you invest a large portion of your retirement savings in Cash. Hear from our Chief Investment Officer, Suzanne Bra...
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Get a super boost with a Government co-contribution

18 May 2021
If you put a little bit of extra money in your super before the end of this financial year (and you’re eligible) your super will receive a boost through the Government’s super co-contribution scheme.
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Media contact

Fiona Bauer
Mobile: 0400 127 559
Email: [email protected]