
The latest superannuation news, announcements and updates from CareSuper.

News list

Caresuper investment update - December quarter 2020

23 February 2021
Investment markets have continued to rise in the December quarter, helping to deliver strong returns for members. By contrast, the Cash investment option yielded minimal returns for the quarter, refle...
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CareSuper Investment Update – September quarter 2020

10 November 2020
Investment markets have continued to recover over the September quarter, helping to deliver an uplift in returns for members. Despite this comeback there is still a lot of uncertainty in markets due t...
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An update from our CEO

22 October 2020
This year certainly has turned out to be unusual in many respects, amid so much uncertainty, we’re proud to have delivered a positive return for members.
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Federal Budget 2020/21 and your super

Industry news
13 October 2020
The Government has outlined some reforms for superannuation in the Federal Budget 2020/21.
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New custodian arrangements to support our fund into the future

20 August 2020
Following an extensive tender process, CareSuper has appointed J.P. Morgan as custodian of the fund. As a leading global custodian with advanced technology capabilities, JP Morgan is well positioned t...
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Positive returns in difficult times

29 July 2020
Against the backdrop of COVID-19, we take a look at our investment returns for 2020 and what’s on the horizon for financial markets.
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Media contact

Fiona Bauer
Mobile: 0400 127 559
Email: [email protected]