Resources to support your advice

Access everything you need to deliver meaningful retirement outcomes for your clients.

Statement of Advice wording

Our Statement of Advice wording document is designed to help inform your Statement of Advice when recommending CareSuper as a super fund of choice for your clients. The information in this document aims to support your investment recommendations and assist you in explaining the benefits of investing with CareSuper. If you would like a Word version of this document, please contact your Business Development Manager.

Download our Statement of Advice wording

Forms and publications

Here’s where you’ll find our latest PDSs and TMDs, forms, factsheets and guides to help you understand our products and services.

Forms and publications

How to gain access to your clients' account

Write to us

Complete our Authority to access information form or use your own form. Please provide a copy of your client’s ID to support the request. 

Need access quickly?

Your client can call 1300 360 149 and select option 4. Once a security check is completed, we can share relevant details with you over the same phone call, or you’ll be granted authority to access their account for 24 hours.

Stay informed

Elevate your advice and empower your clients’ financial success with our Adviser Advantage eNewsletters. You’ll receive updates on the latest CareSuper news, insights and information to help you service your clients. Don't worry, we won’t overwhelm your inbox and you can unsubscribe anytime.

Sign-up today

Information to enhance your knowledge and client offering
Investment options

We offer 12 different investment options, each with different targets for returns and levels of investment risk, plus a Direct Investment Option allowing your clients to invest directly in ASX300, ETFs, Listed Companies and Term Deposits. This variety lets you mix and match your investments to suit your client’s financial goals.

View our investment options

Investment performance

Use our investment performance tool to track the latest returns for each of our investment options over various time periods. You can also compare how each of our options has performed against their return objectives and industry median.

View our investment performance

How we invest

At the core of our investment approach is our commitment to active investing. This means that instead of investing passively and replicating an index – like the ASX300, our skilled investment managers are actively making decisions to buy and sell investments where they believe there’s potential to outperform the broader market and maximise returns over the long term. By actively managing investments, we’re able to take advantage when markets rise but also protect investments during volatile times. The result? A smoother ride for your clients’ life after work.

Learn more

Retirement options

Whether your clients are reducing working hours or entering retirement, there are various ways for them to access their super. We're here to help you explore these options, ensuring you make the best decisions for your clients’ retirement needs.

Discover retirement options

Insurance cover

We offer affordable and flexible insurance cover through your clients' super account – helping them (and their loved ones) financially if they become sick, injured, or pass away.

Learn more

Super tools and resources

We provide educational resources to empower your clients' financial journey, plus super calculators to calculate future income, check insurance costs, compare funds, and more.

Learn more

We're here to help you and your clients

Our Business Development Managers are here to share industry best practice and guide you through your interactions with CareSuper.


Stacey Mitchell

Business Development Manager - Advice (VIC/TAS/SA/WA)

Gordon McNaught

Business Development Manager - Advice (NSW/ACT/QLD/NT)
Industry recognition

Partner with us and rest assured that together, we can help your clients enjoy strong returns and a smoother ride over the long term.

FAN Awards Lockup


The rating is issued by SuperRatings Pty Ltd ABN 95 100 192 283 AFSL 311880 (SuperRatings). Ratings are general advice only and have been prepared without taking account of your objectives, financial situation or needs. Consider your personal circumstances, read the product disclosure statement and seek independent financial advice before investing. The rating is not a recommendation to purchase, sell or hold any product. Past performance information is not indicative of future performance. Ratings are subject to change without notice and SuperRatings assumes no obligation to update. SuperRatings use proprietary criteria to determine awards and ratings and may receive a fee for the use of its ratings and awards. Visit for ratings information.