How we compare

How we compare

Comparing super funds may cost me hours today, but it’s bought me years down the track.
Discover how much better off you could be with CareSuper.

Your super’s likely to be your main source of income when you finish full-time paid work, so it’s worth making sure you’re getting the best deal. Our unique active investment philosophy focuses on taking advantage when markets rise, and protecting your super during uncertain times. Here’s how CareSuper compares.

A bigger net benefit

We believe in a simple but powerful equation:
competitive fees + smart, proactive investing = a bigger net benefit.

The result? Over 15 years to 30 June 2024, our Balanced option returned over $40,000 more than the average of all surveyed retail funds and outperformed the average of all surveyed industry funds by over $9,000.

CareSuper Balanced option earnings over 10 years: $173,101.00.

Average* of the retail super balanced options: $132,198.00

How our Balanced option stacks up
Compare our Balanced option with other super funds to make sure you’re getting the best deal.
See what the experts say
Independent industry experts have rated us as a top-performing fund year after year.
Compare us yourself
We welcome comparison – see how we stack up against over 200 other funds using SuperRatings’ RateMySuper tool.*
Let the numbers do the talking
See how our Balanced option has performed over 10 years against set return objectives and the industry median.

* RateMySuper is offered by SuperRatings, an independent research company that provides tools to help super members make informed decisions about their super, as well as analysis and commentary to help super funds develop better products and services.

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