Taking control of your super

When it comes to your super, the good news is that there’s plenty YOU can do now to put yourself in a better position for later.

Here’s 5 ways you can take control of your super:

1. Register or log in to MemberOnline 

Do you know how much super you have? Here’s an opportunity to dive in and have a look around your personalised dashboard. See your super balance, make sure your employer is making contributions (if relevant), check what investment option(s) your super’s invested in, check your beneficiary nomination(s) and that your contact details are correct and ensure your insurance is adequate for your needs. Go there now

2. Do some sums with our super calculators 

Keen to understand the benefits of making extra super contributions, see how much income you might have after you wind-down work or learn how much insurance cover might cost? These easy-to-use calculators are a great way to help you plan for your future.

3. Attend an educational event or webinar 

You have access to our events and webinars on a range of topics. These include how to build your super savings, transition to retirement (TTR), planning for life after work, and living well in retirement. Go to Events and webinars to explore our upcoming events and register for one (or more!) that suit you. 

4. Learn some super basics at our Education Hub

Looking to learn the basics on super at your own pace? Check out our online Education Hub for the latest articles and tools. 

5. Access financial advice  

Remember, you’re never alone on your super journey. If you’d like guidance from a professional adviser, or you’re just after some reassurance, book a call-back with a financial planner. You have access to super-related advice over the phone* at no-extra cost. This can be an opportunity to check your investment choice is aligned to your goals, you’ve got the right amount of insurance cover for your circumstances, get an income projection and set some super goals. Or, if your financial situation is more complex or you have other investments or debt, we can provide advice on your whole financial situation too.^ Read more about your advice options. 

For more tips on how to get your super in shape, head to Super tips

*Financial advice obtained over the phone, or through MemberOnline, is provided by Mercer Financial Advice (Australia) Pty Ltd (MFAAPL) ABN 76 153 168 293, Australian Financial Services Licence #411766.
^Advice is provided by one of our financial planners who are Authorised Representatives of Industry Funds Services Limited (IFS). IFS is responsible for any advice given to you by its Authorised Representatives. Industry Fund Services Limited ABN 54 007 016 195 AFSL 232514.

Information correct as at 14 November 2023.